Take the right vitamins, minerals and foods in treating heart disease by Dr James Liddell and Sue Visser
Take the right vitamins, minerals and foods in treating heart disease by Dr James Liddell and Sue Visser Medicinal effects of supplements and foods Antioxidants – Vitamin C is most important A ten-year study found that a daily dose of 300mg of vitamin C (10 oranges) could help to reduce heart attack rates by 50%. Vitamin E and Vitamin D are essential Vitamin E can dissolve clots, help the heart to pump more efficiently, widen the arteries and increase oxygen levels in blood. Take vitamin E as mixed tocopherols or d-alpha tocopherol. Do not use the synthetic forms of Vitamin …
My 10 favourite Vitamins, Minerals and other beneficial remedies to assist you in losing weight
When I turned forty, it seemed to me that I gained weight just by looking at food. Now that of course, is not true, but it feels like it. The following vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies can really help you to lose weight. Vitamin B6 A vitamin B6 deficiency is common amongst insulin resistant and diabetic patients. Vitamin B6 can reduce insulin resistance and boost the immune system. Vitamin C A vitamin C deficiency will enhance insulin resistance – more vitamin C will improve insulin resistance and can be beneficial in weight loss. Vitamin D Vitamin D regulates insulin secretion …