Leaky Gut Programme

Leaky gut programme

First consultation up to 45-60 mins R1895 & follow-up consultation up to 30 minutes R995

The gut wall can become leaky for a number of reasons:

Alcohol (the by-product acetaldehyde is associated with auto-immune diseases) and aspirin irritate the gut lining, as does a protein called gluten found in wheat; a deficiency of cell-building nutrients, like vitamin A, zinc, protein and essential fats, can result in a poor gut-wall structure; antibiotics; caffeine; paracites; chemicals like preservatives; NSAIMS; cortisone; high refined carbohydrate diet; hormones; low digestive enzyme production; heavy metal toxicity; food allergies; an overgrowth of the wrong bacteria or fungi, such as Candida albicans, can burrow into the intestinal wall, irritating it and causing increased permeability. Once the gut wall is permeable, perfectly normal foods can become toxic to the body.

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