Lifestyle modification and natural medicine can prevent Hypertension


 What is blood pressure?

It is the force with which blood pressures on the arteries. It is like tyre pressure – if tyrepressure is too high, it can damage the tyre. Blood pressure will fluctuate during the day – depending on what you do, think or experience. If blood pressure stays high for a long time it causes problems.

Measuring of blood pressure

A blood pressure reading consists of two readings like 120/80. The 120 is the systolic reading (pressure in arteries when heart contracts) and the 80 is the pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes.

When am I classified as hypertensive?

New guidelines from WHO state that >135/85 qualifies for high blood pressure. It has to be confirmed at two different intervals. If the blood pressure is >120/80 in a diabetic or heart attack patient – it should be treated.

In the olden days, only the diastolic reading was important – we now say the systolic and diastolic should be normal.

If the systolic is high and the diastolic normal (140/80) – it will cause a lot of pressure on the artery walls and damage the walls. There is specific treatment for that.

If your blood pressure only rises when you go to the doctor – monitor it over 24hrs and then discuss with your healthcare professional.


Most patients will not experience any symptoms – that is why high BP is called the silent killer.


Causes can be classified as primary or secondary. The following tests might be done: blood tests for kidney function, potassium and aldosterone. They might also do sonar of the kidneys.

Primary hypertension

95% of all patients fall into this category.

The following factors contribute to hypertension

  • Stress
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • High Sodium and low potassium diet – arterial tension is controlled by the balance of calcium, magnesium and potassium in relation to sodium.
  • High alcohol consumption
  • Inactivity
  • Genes
  • Race
  • Age
  • Sex

Secondary hypertension

It is when disease, physical problems or medication causes hypertension.

Cause of secondary hypertension

  • Arthrosclerosis of kidneys arteries
  • Arthrosclerosis of aorta
  • Kidney diseases
  • High aldosterone secretions by adrenals
  • Tumor on adrenals
  • Cushing syndrome – excessive cortisone in blood
  • Brain tumor – high pressure in brain
  • Lupus (SLE)
  • Medication: estrogen; oral contraception; appetite suppressants and some anti-depressants
  • Abuse of: alcohol; amphetamines; diet pills; pain pills; cold and flu tablets and medication containing caffeine
  • Pregnancy


When the pressure in the arteries is too high it puts a lot of pressure on the heart muscle. In the end it will cause the heart muscle to thicken. Continuous high blood pressure will harden the arteries. That again will cause damage to the brain, eyes and kidneys. All of the above will lead to:

  • Heart attacks and strokes
  • Heart failure
  • Blindness
  • Kidney damage and failure
  • Coronary heart disease


To normalize blood pressure is not enough. Research has proved even if you normalize blood pressure, patients still get strokes. You must also look at high cholesterol; high levels of homocysteine; hardening of arteries; thickening of heart muscle and exercise profile of patients.

Lifestyle advice

  • Follow dosage instructions of medication – do not change dosage without discussing it with your healthcare professional
  • Inform your pharmacist and doctor when you are on other medication. Drug interaction can elevate your blood pressure
  • Measure blood pressure correctly and keep a record (measure BP am, midday and pm) – get a pattern of how BP varies
  • Follow a balanced diet and reduce salt intake. Check Sodium content when you shop. Do not buy tinned or instant food – unless it says “salt free”. If you need advice on your diet – consult your nutritionist or dietician
  • Aerobic exercise 20-30min 3-5 times a week – push heart rate up to 80% of maximum capacity – if you need assistance contact your biokineticist or gym instructor
  • Limit alcohol intake – never more than two drinks – and do not drink everyday
  • Quit smoking
  • One caffeinated drink per day
  • Reduce stress
  • Get more information on your medication from your pharmacist
  • Lose weight if necessary
  • Meditate – it will reduce your blood pressure
  • Get a pet – interaction with a pet can also lower your blood pressure

Salt (Sodium Chloride)

Salt increases the absorption of sugar and can aggravate oedema. Sodium or a lack of calcium, magnesium or potassium can increase arterial muscular pressure. Sodium and potassium also maintain the body’s water balance, nerve and muscle impulses. Table salt contains too much sodium and no potassium, magnesium and calcium. The imbalance between sodium and potassium is the big problem in salt. A lot of sodium is hidden in processed food, preserved food and cool drinks. Use a balanced salt like Herbamore or Himalayan salts in moderation where you will find a balanced composition between potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium.


  • Take your medication as prescribed – blood pressure is still the main reason for strokes and heart attacks
  • Medication has side effects – if it is bad; discuss with your healthcare professional for an alternative – do not just stop taking it. Side effects differ from patient to patient
  • Some medications will cause dizziness – be careful in the beginning – you might get dizzy and fall
  • Remember the drug interaction between Ca cannel blockers and grapefruit juice – it will reduce the absorption
  • Do not take your blood pressure medication with or after a high fiber meal – absorption levels will be reduced
  • Beta-blockers and Moxonidine are effective in patients with high blood pressure and anxiety

Strategies to lower blood pressure naturally – (this is not a replacement for current BP medication)

  • Increase mineral intake and avoid normal salt

Do it for one month and see how your BP comes down. Remember there is a strong association between heart attacks and a magnesium deficiency

  • Vitamin E protects your arteries

You can reduce your blood pressure by thinning your blood. Vitamin E thins blood 4 times more than aspirin

  • Omega 3 Fish oils

Omega 3 Fish oils will thin your blood and lower your BP. If you have had a heart attack and you start eating omega 3 fish three times a week, you will reduce your risk for further heart attacks by 50%

  • Natural medicine for narrowing arteries

Arteries harden because of ageing with or without arteriosclerosis. The following remedies can stop or even reverse this process: antioxidants (Coenzyme Q10, Grapeseed extract, alpha Lipoic Acid, Vit ACE, Zinc, and Selenium), Lysine and fish oil.  Viscum Alb is an herb that is also very beneficial in making the arteries more elastic.  Nattokinase, Serrapeptase and CheleX can be used for chelation therapy to clear the arteries of plaque

  • Natural blood pressure lowering remedies: Pressure Eeze Forte and Cardio Power

Natural alternatives to help alleviate high blood pressure

  • Replace table salt with potassium chloride. Alternatively, make a 1:1 mixture with natural salt. Cream of tartar (potassium tartrate) can also be used
  • Take 3 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses in a cup of hot water twice a day for extra potassium, calcium and magnesium. It can help for constipation and irritable bowel. Also drink enough water every day
  • Take a potent vitamin B complex
  • Take a magnesium supplement – especially at bedtime to help lower blood pressure and to relax blood vessels
  • If you need additional magnesium take a bath with a handful of Epsom salts and can soak up minerals from the skin
  • Vitamin B6 and natural herbs like dandelion and parsley have a diuretic effect. Try to eat them fresh or juice them
  • The following foods and herbs can help to improve overall cardiovascular health include ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper, onions and garlic. Pineapples can reduce fibrin and platelet aggregation and will reduce the stickiness of blood

Improve insulin sensitivity to enhance blood pressure control

Supplements that help insulin sensitivity

  • Chromium Picolinate – 200 mcgs a day. This increases insulin sensitivity and helps to burn fat and turn it into muscle. Or you can also take GTF (glucose tolerance factor)
  • Vitamin B5 (500 mg) helps to convert sugar, fat and protein into energy It helps to make cortisone
  • L-carnitine
  • Vitamin D3– 5000 iu to control cancer, weight, heart health and immune boosting
  • Cinnamon powder: 1 to 2 grams per day can work like insulin
  • Coleus Forskholii can also effectively lower blood pressure
  • Zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese, chrome and vanadium are all required to make insulin

Get a cat and / or a dog

The drug companies claim they can reduce the incidence of CVD deaths by 1.4%.  Cat owners have a 30% lower incidence of death by heart disease according to a recent study. People who have dogs can also enjoy the benefits of lower blood pressure, companionship and more exercise.


If you are on a low dose of aspirin and you take extra vitamin E and/or extra omega 3 oils – your blood might become too thin – discuss with your healthcare professional.

 Suggested daily supplementation

  • Lifepak Nano with Krill Oil
  • Vitamin E 400mg
  • Viscum Alb herbal tincture
  • Magnesium 300mg daily


  1. New Optimum Nutrition Bible – Patrick Holford
  2. Prescription Alternatives – Earl Mindell
  3. Natural medicine – Beth Maceoin
  4. Herbal Medicine – expanded commission E Monographs
  5. Genesende Voeding – Dr Willem Serfontein
  6. Gesondheid vir `n leeftyd – Dr Christiaan

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