Irisin – Hormone that is Activated with Excercise and can Help with Obesity and Glucose Homeostasis


Irisin is a newly identified hormone that is activated with exercise and can help with obesity and glucose homeostasis

Where does irisin come from?
Irisin levels increase with exercise and is secreted by muscle cells.

What does Irisin do?
Irisin converts white fat into brown fat and result in improvements in obesity and glucose homeostasis.

What’s the difference between white fat and brown fat?

White fat stores energy (calories) and brown fat burns calories.

What are the results of the irisin study on obese pre-diabetic mice?
Irisin was injected into obese pre-diabetic mice for 10 days.  The mice had lost weight without exercising and became more sensitive to glucose, triggering the pancreas to produce more insulin (helping to prevent diabetes).  The weight loss was small, it is speculated that irisin would likely have a greater effect on weight loss if administered for longer periods. Mice that have had exercised had 65% more irisin in their bloodstream than unexercised mice.

Do we still have to exercise to loose weight?

Irisin can help to fight obesity but will not build muscle and you will still need to exercise.

What does the future hold for irisin?
Since Irisin is a natural substance that is identical in mice and humans and is highly likely to be available in pharmacies in the near future.

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