Why is it beneficial to have quality sleep?

Why is it beneficial to have quality sleep?

Why is it beneficial to have quality sleep?

  1. Quality sleep can manage stress better

Good sleepers and bad sleepers experience about the same number of daily minor stressful events. Interestingly, good sleepers are less disturbed by these events.    Bad sleepers can release cortisol and other stress steroids that initially help the body in stress.   Continuous high levels of these powerful hormones ultimately cause some of our most serious health concerns like heart attack and stroke.

  1. Stress can cause poor sleep and poor sleep can cause stress

The activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis increases arousal and causes sleeplessness.   Research shows that insomniacs do have elevated cortisol in the middle of the night, when cortisol should be at its lowest.  Researchers have discovered that good quality sleep the night before a stressful event can protect you from negative health consequences.

  1. Quality sleep boosts your immune system

When sleep was interrupted for just one night prior to a stressful event it had a significantly weaker immune response.  Higher evening cortisol levels are associated with less dreaming (REM sleep).

  1. Quality sleep can protect you from stress induced depression and other mood disorders

Reduced serotonin activity has been associated with a host of problems such as aggressive and angry behaviours, clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders.   Stress and restricted sleep caused serotonin receptors in the brain to become less sensitive and the above diseases can get aggravated.

  1. Quality sleep can improve performance and memory

Sleep can increase motor speed by 20 percent without loss of accuracy.

  1. Quality sleep can increase performance up to 20 percent

Sleep is absolutely essential for long-term memory formation.    It is not true that everything you have ever seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or touched is recorded in your unconscious mind.  The majority of sensory input is deleted and lost forever. Only the information that your brain recognizes as important to your life, is stored into your memory.

Valuable new information and valuable new skills are added to your long-term memory only when you sleep. While you are sleeping, your brain integrates the day’s new information along with existing memories and in light of your values, your goals, and your purpose. Visualization on your goals just before going to bed each night is highly valuable.

  1. Your brain solves problems while you sleep

People who have slept for eight hours after being presented with a puzzle were twice as likely to gain the key insight.  While you are sleeping, your brain searches for new ways to view the information you gained during the day and it does so according to the vision you provide during the visualization.   Sleep let you gain valuable insight into whole new possibilities for your life.

  1. The connection between obesity and sleep loss

Getting enough good quality sleep is extremely valuable for maintaining your ideal weight.

  1. Quality sleep can helps prevent diabetes and metabolic syndrome

Poor sleep was associated with a 44 percent increase in the odds of having pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome.  It is also the precursor to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and other life-threatening diseases.

  1. Quality sleeping can save your life

BY sleeping too little or too much, it can increase your chances of dying from all causes by up to 15 percent. People who have normal sleep patterns, normally get less cancer.

Quality sleep is valuable because the hormone melatonin signals the entire body to shift from daytime running-around mode into night-time healing mode. Melatonin, which is secreted only in total darkness, also stimulates the night-time release of growth hormone which has many health benefits.

  1. Quality sleep has an antiaging affect

Quality sleep activates growth hormone and has numerous beneficial effects:

  • Can make your bones stronger
  • Can increases your muscle mass through the creation of new muscle cells
  • Can promotes lipolysis which helps you lose body fat
  • Can Increases protein synthesis and stimulates optimal maintenance
    of all internal organ
  • Can support your pancreas to make insulin
  • Can stimulate your immune system

Do you have quality sleep every night?   If you don’t – you should discuss that with you your Health professional.




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