Why constant exposure to stress and tension without release can cause major damage and chronic illness
Why constant exposure to stress and tension without release can cause major damage and chronic illness by Yolande Hung
Most of us encounter stress and trauma in our daily lives, and our world tends to bombard us with constant stimuli and events out of our control.
Whether this is low-grade continuous exposure or one-off intense situations, these stressful incidents cause our bodies to react by producing stress hormones (sometimes flooding the body) as well as physically storing these incidents in our bodies (and our fascia tightens in vulnerable areas).
If the tightening is not released, it can thicken over time, causing lack of mobility or suppleness, and pain. If the stress hormone cycle is not controlled, it can lead to things such as adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other chronic illnesses.
This can be counteracted by helping the body to “let go”, which can be done by manually stimulating the fascia and doing TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises).
Combining Fascia Release and neurogenic tremoring (as used in TRE®) is proving to be very effective and fantastic results are being reported.
In fascia release, the therapist feels their way around your body to establish the source of pain or discomfort as well as releasing tightening, and it has to be remembered: the location of the pain is not always where the problem lies, it can be emanating from a completely different site altogether!
The process of release stimulates the tissue, encouraging it to release stored toxins and plump up as it rehydrates and begins to move fluidly again.
Allowing the body and nervous system to work together to release stress and built up tension through the neurogenic tremors works very well as the brain doesn’t have to retell a story, the body can let go of the stored trauma, tension or stress build-up and stop the stress hormone cycle from continuing unnecessarily.
Four to six sessions on a weekly basis to start with is recommended, and then a monthly maintenance or check in session if necessary.
For more information or to book a session feel free to contact Yolande Hung on 084 2066 493 or email yolandehung@gmail.com. Or go to www.treforchange.com or Facebook TREforChange.
Yolande Hung
TRE®️ Advanced Provider, Member of TRE for Africa
Fascia Release Therapist, Member of the Fascia Research Society
084 2066 493