Make Tissue salts part of your first aid kit
Tissue salt 1 – Calc fluor
Calc fluor maintains the essential quality of elastic tissue and is chiefly indicated for conditions resulting from relaxed muscular and supportive tissue. These include dilated blood vessels, varicose veins, poor circulation, haemorrhoids, constipation, strained tendons and ligaments, prolapsed organs and chapped or hardened skin. Calc fluor helps reduce the formation of stretch marks.
• Cracked skin
• Hard skin
• Stretch marks
• Varicose veins
• Haemorrhoids
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 2 – Calc phos
Calc phos is the most abundant Tissue salt in the body. It assists with the digestion and absorption of food and is important for the building of sturdy bone and body structures and a robust constitution. Its restorative powers speed up convalescence and replenish the body’s reserves.
- Blood and bone disorders
- Anaemia
- Rickets
- Growing pains
- Ideal for frail individuals
- Anxiety
- Poor concentration
- Mild depression
- Fatigue
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 3 – Calc sulph
Calc sulph is a blood purifying Tissue salt and helps the liver to remove waste products from the blood stream. Calc sulph is often used after Silicea.
- Slow healing sores
- Weeping wounds
- Suppurating pimples
- Abscesses
- Boils
- Pimples
- Sore throats
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 4 – Ferrum phos
It should be used at the onset of any inflammatory conditions.
- Redness
- Heat
- Pain
- Swelling
- Inflammation
- Fever
- Excellent as first stage therapy for: Otitis (earache)and Tonsillitis
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 5 – Kali mur
It promotes the elimination of thick white pus from the skin or phlegm from mucous membranes.
- All catarrhal condition
- Coughs and colds with think white mucus congestion
- Oral thrush
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 6 – Kali phos
Kali phos is a nerve nutrient.
- Anxiety
- Nervous exhaustion
- Mild depression
- Nerve pain
- Nervous headache
- Muscular fatigue
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 7- Kali sulph
Kali sulph maintains healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes.
- Blocked nose with yellow discharge
- Dandruff
- Dry scalp
- Balding
- Pimples
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 8 – Mag phos
Mag phos is an anti-spasmodic and analgesic Tissue salt.
- Muscle cramps
- Spasms
- Menstrual pain
- Muscle pain
- Hiccough
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 9 – Nat Mur
It is the water balancing Tissue salt. Nat Mur will be characterised by excess moisture or excessive dryness.
- Constipation
- Watery blisters
- Dry and scaling skin
- Fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Sleeplessness
- Weak memory
- Mild depression
- Tearfulness
- Blinding headaches
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 10 – Nat phos
Nat phos is the acid neutralising Tissue salt and promotes elimination of excess acid in the body.
- Arthritis
- Gout
- Gastric ulcers
- Vomiting of sour liquids
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 11 – Nat sulph
Nat sulph is the water eliminating Tissue salt. It promotes the elimination of excess water from the body.
- Nausea
- Liver Disorders
- Water retension
- Vomiting of bile
- Heartburn
- Indigestion
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salt 12 – Silicea
Silicea is a cleansing, eliminating Tissue salt and it removes foul, degenerative matter from the body.
- Abscesses
- Sties
- Blois
- Bad odour
- Offensive perspiration
- Smelly feet
- Malnutrition
- Trembling
- Fatigue
Not to be used by individuals with implants or foreign objects in their body.
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. Maybe repeated hourly in acute cases. Consult you healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.
Tissue salts can help you to restore wellness from the inside out as they enable your cells to make better use of the nutrients available from the food you eat and are safe to use by most people (Please check contraindications for Silicea).
Tissue salts are inexpensive and should be part of your first aid kit. Please buy all 12 Tissue salts and use them accordingly.