How to cope with low blood pressure
How to cope with low blood pressure?
Low blood pressure may be due to many factors
The stress may weaken the adrenals, causing chronic fatigue that may also cause lower than normal blood pressure. With Addison’s disease there is extreme sodium depletion.
Adrenal exhaustion and chronic fatigue are connected to low blood pressure
• You feel tired, confused and are easily upset
• You, feel dizzy, particularly when rising from a sitting position
• Muscles are weak, especially on exertion and exercise is stressful
• The stomach is distressed, food is poorly absorbed – constipation
• Headaches, a bad mood and feeling tired after a night’s sleep.
• Loss of libido and feeling weak – too exhausted to bother.
• Sore throat – vulnerability to colds and flu.
• Low blood fasting sugar levels, feeling weak and hungry
• Salt cravings – the body retains potassium and loses large amounts of sodium. (Some people need the salt they crave.)
• Your major deficiencies: Vitamin B5, Vitamin C and boron
• Adrenal deficiency of stress hormones like cortisol and DHEA.
Low thyroid activity associated with low blood pressure
• Cold hands and feet, low morning basal body temperature – check it every morning
• A slow, sluggish pulse indicating a reduced metabolic rate
• Feeling sleepy during the day: especially in the morning
• Skin feels rough and dry
• Hair falls out and is very brittle
• You gain weight far too easily
The thyroid is weakened by exposure to fluoride and X-rays, from excessive oestro¬gen from birth control pills, HRT or from xenoestrogens from the environment. Eating too many foods that are goiterogenic can also slow down the thyroid. They include: cauliflower, cabbage, soya and Brussels sprouts. Combined adrenal and thyroid problems: the cause could be auto-immune or due to a long term patho¬genic infection, known as Epstein-Barr, Yuppie flu, Ricketsia or tick bite fever.
How to cope with low blood pressure
Take Vitamin B complex for more energy plus extra Vitamin B5 (calcium D panto¬thenate) One with each meal will help to regulate blood pressure. Herbal adapto¬gens or a good tonic plus herbal bitters. Kelp and iodine supplements to boost the thyroid (cold hands and feet).
Take calcium and magnesium supplements, especially with boron to boost adrenal hormone output. Eat more salt, especially when you are under stress, you have heat fatigue or you sweat a lot. You can also eat Dutch salted liquorice because it containsaldosterone, the hormone that balances salt and potassium.
Check your blood pressure regularly and if it stays low, consult with your doctor to establish why the blood pressure is so low.