Gout can be managed, treated or prevented with lifestyle adjustment – part 3
Gout treatment starts with your diet
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a dietary culprit that wrecks your uric acid levels, putting you at high risk of gout. Elevated blood sugar levels is the REAL underlying problem that causes the inflammation associated with gout, as well as the subsequent damage it inflicts on your body, specifically your joints. If you reduce your consumption of high-purine foods, you can still experience gout symptoms if you continue to ingest HFCS, which is mostly found in processed foods.
If you consume more than two colas per day, you have an 85 percent higher risk of gout than those who drink less than one a month. The risk also significantly increases in men who consumed five to six servings of soft drinks a week. Fruit juices and high-fructose fruits like oranges and apples can also increase the risk.
How does fructose specifically affect your uric acid levels?
Fructose inhibits the excretion of uric acid, which elevates your uric acid blood levels. Uric acid is also a byproduct of fructose metabolism. Fructose is metabolized by your body differently from natural sugar, as it goes directly to your liver. Eliminating all types of sugar, especially HFCS, should be a major focus of your gout diet. Other gout foods to avoid are grains, including whole-wheat varieties, as these also convert to sugar in your body.
Whenever you buy food, make sure to check the label and keep an eye out for these toxic ingredients.
Fresh cherries and strawberries can help reduce gout attacks. I often warn about consuming high amounts of fruits, which contain sugar that may become toxic in excess. However, studies have shown that fresh organic berries, particularly cherries and strawberries, may hold benefits for gout patients, as long as they are consumed in moderation.
Avoiding alcohol is crucial for successful gout treatment
Alcohol is a strong risk factor for gout. Alcohol can increase your insulin levels, which is a risk factor for diabetes. Alcohol can also raise your uric acid levels and may even trigger a gout attack.
Exercise and gout
Do not exercise while your joints are in pain. A balanced exercise program can help prevent further attacks by increasing circulation and normalizing your insulin levels, which can ultimately help normalize your uric acid levels.
Always avoid activities that may aggravate your joint pain or strain a significantly unstable joint. I recommend that you work with a physiotherapist or biokinetisist who can develop a safe range of activities for you.
Lifestyle Habits That to Prevent Gout
- Limit processed foods and replace non-vegetable carbs with healthy fats.
- Drink pure and clean water.
- Get enough vitamin D from sun exposure.
- Manage your stress.
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – EFT can help eliminate your emotional “scarring” and reprogram the way your body responds to emotional stressors.
- Grounding or earthing is simply walking barefoot and connecting your body to the earth. When you are grounded, free electrons from the earth transfer into your body. These free electrons are probably the most potent antioxidants known and helps electrically neutralize the free radicals in your tissues.
- Proper high-quality sleep is crucial to a healthy lifestyle, and without it, you can be exposed to many health ailments and diseases.
Gout can be managed, treated, or prevented with lifestyle adjustments. Drugs are not always the best choice for gout treatment. Consult with you healthcare professional for natural solutions. Do you want to be gout free?