Managing depression with therapy, healthy eating and natural medicine
Depression – therapy, diet and natural medicine should be the first choice before drugs
Considering all the days of the last week, circle the number that best fits you for each item:
1. I feel sad.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
2. I am not interested in things that usually interest me.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
3. My appetite is different – I want to eat more or less than usual, or my weight has changed
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
4. My sleep is different – I sleep more or less than what was usual for me.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
5. I am more agitated that usual, or I am moving or talking much more slowly than usual.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
6. I am more tired or fatigued than usual.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
7. I feel worthless or I feel more guilty about things I have done or not done.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
8. I have difficulty concentrating on things or making even small decisions.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
9. I have thoughts of death or dying.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
10. I am less interested in sex than usual.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not at all true | Slightly/rarely true | Moderately/occasionally true | Very much/frequently true | Extremely/constantly true |
What the scores mean
Scores of 21 to 40: Fully Symptomatic.
Scores of 6 to 20: Partially Symptomatic.
Scores of 0 to 5: Asymptomatic.
Common causes of mental health problems:
1. Blood sugar problems
If you have a blood sugar problem you will crave sweets, coffee, tea and cigarettes – all of these affect blood sugar.
Common symptoms
- Concentration problems
- Palpitations
- Fainting or trembling
- Excessive night sweats
- Excessive thirst
- Chronic fatigue
- Frequent mood swings
- Forgetfulness or confusion
- Tendency to depression
- Anxiety and irritability
- Low energy levels
- Aggression or crying
- Drowsiness after meals
2. Stimulant and drug dependence
Recreational drugs like cocaine, tik, heroine and cannabis bring on symptoms of mental illness like depression, anxiety and paranoia. Complete the stimulant inventory and if your usage is 10 stimulant units per week, it will influence your mental well-being. A score of 30 and more will contribute to mental health problems and you should quit everything for one month.
Stimulant inventory
Item | One unit equals | Total units consumed |
Green tea | 2 cups | |
Tea | 1 cup | |
Coffee | 1 cup | |
Colas or caffeinated drinks | 1 can | |
Caffeine pills like pain pills or Lert | 1 pill | |
Chocolate | 2 pieces | |
AlcoholOne glass of wine=1One beer= ½ |
25ml Spirit = ½1 unit
SugarOne teaspoon
Hidden sugar in food5g=1 unit
Cannabis½ joint
Amphetamines½ pill
Ecstasy½ pill
Cocaine½ line
Heroin1 hit
Total consumed in one week
3. Food intolerances and chemical allergies
Daily mood swings can link up with mental health problems. Gluten and dairy are common food allergies. Alcohol can irritate the gut lining and make it leaky and that can initiate food allergies.
Common symptoms
- Child history of eczema, colic and ear infection.
- Brain fog
- Frequent colds and runny nose or blocked nose
- Difficulty in sleeping
4. Thyroid (under or overactive)
If your morning temperature is constantly under 36.5 oC, your thyroid might be under active.
Common symptoms – 5 symptoms below or more = low thyroid
- Fatigue mental and physical
- Depression
- Dry skin and hair
- Cold hands and feet
- Constipation, winds, bloating and indigestion
- Weight gain
- Painful periods
- Muscle pain
- Poor memory
- Congestion and sore throat
Also remember: high stress = high cortisol = ↓thyroid function
5. Methylation problems
The B-vitamins and folic acid are essential to brains neurotransmitters. Not enough of them will inhibit methylation and can push up your homocycteine levels.
Common symptoms: 5 or more symptoms = methylation problems
- Feeling disconnected
- Anxiety
- Good pain threshold
- Hallucinations
- Mood swings
- Difficulty and reaching climax
- Overweight
6. Essential fatty acid imbalances
Imbalances in brain fats are associated with depression, ADD and ADHD etc.
Common symptoms – 5 or more symptoms = mental health problem
- Excessive thirst
- Fatigue
- Dry skin
- Dry hair, dandruff and loss of hair
- Eczema, asthma and pain in joints
- Dyslexia
7. Heavy metal detox and metallothionein
The body is constantly detoxing and can suffer because of heavy metals like lead, copper, mercury, cadmium and /or lack of nutrients.
Common symptoms – 5 or more = mental health problem and get a blood test
- Anxiety
- Phobias
- Poor concentration or confusion
- Poor memory
- Angry or aggressive
- Emotional instability
- Headaches or migraine
- Nervousness
8. Detox overload and inflammation
When the body can not detoxify properly, the result is inflammation. Most chronic diseases are diseases of inflammation. A major deficiency linked with inflammation is an omega 3 deficiency. Inflammation upsets the whole body, not only the areas that are hot, painful and swollen.
Common symptoms – 5 or more = inflammation and detox problems – raised ESR blood test is significant for excessive inflammation – – – – detox diet + parasite cleansing + probiotics + omega 3 and antioxidants
- Headache
- Eyes: watery, itchy and red eyelids and/or dark circles under eyes
- Ears: itchy, regular infections or ringing in ears
- Excess sweating and a bad body odour
- Bloating or indigestion
- Diarrhoea and constipation
- Asthma and eczema
- Joint pains and arthritis
- Mental health problems can be worse after eating
9. Porphyria and pyroluria
Some people produce more HPL and porhyrins. These are genetically linked and increase your zinc needs.
Common symptoms – 5 or more = you may be pyroluric – have a urine test for HPL and if high: you need zinc and vitamin B6.
- Constipation and nausea
- Nails: white spots
- Skin: stretch marks, pale and burn easily
- Impotent
- Frequent infections and colds
- Irregular menstruation
- Oversensitive to: stress, smell and light
- Tolerance to alcohol and drugs not good
- Dream recall not good
10. Histamine overload
Some people have a high secretion of histamine (Histadelia) which is normally genetically driven. These patients can be obsessive and compulsive and have a fast metabolism and high nutrient need. They can become quickly nutrient deficient and that can cause depression.
Common symptoms – 5 or more = high histamine – blood test can confirm this – supplement with vitamin C, calcium and methione
- Migraines or headaches
- Sneeze in sunlight
- Salivate, cry or feeling nausea easily
- Premature ejaculation
- Compulsive and abnormally fearful
- Light sleeper
- Fast metabolism
- Suicide thoughts and depression
- High body heat
- Lean build with little body hair
- Long fingers and toes
- Large ears
- Good tolerance for alcohol
- A driven person
- Oversensitive child or shy
- Seasonal allergies
- OCD – obsessive and compulsive
11. Serotonin deficiency
This is common amongst mental health problems. Sleeping problems, mood fluctuations, aggression and compulsive behaviour are common complains.
Common symptoms – 5 or more = low serotonin – top up with 5HTP (serotonin precursor)
- Post- menopausal depression
- Anxiety
- Aggression
- Suicide thoughts
- Impulsive and violent behaviour
- Mood swings with PMS
- Alcohol abuse
- Drug abuse
- Low pain threshold
- Insomnia
12. Adrenalin imbalance
The brain and the adrenal glands secrete three motivating neurotransmitters: dopamine, adrenalin and noradrenalin. The adrenal glands also secrete cortisol. High adrenalin = high stress and anxiety. Low adrenalin = low energy, no motivation and poor concentration.
Common symptoms for high adrenalin and/or high cortisol – 5 or more
- Highly irritable
- Nervous and anxious
- Fears
- High BP
- Heart rate: fast or irregular
- Sleeplessness
- Cold extremities
- Excessive perspiration
- Grinding of teeth
- Migraine and headaches
- Muscle spasms
- Restlessness
- Hallucinations
Common symptoms for low adrenalin – 5 or more
- Depression
- Concentration problems
- Attention span short
- No motivation
- Avoid difficult tasks
- Tiredness
- Cannot handle stress
- Not social
Saliva tests are available for the above. High adrenalin must cut on stimulants and up vitamin B and C. Low levels of adrenalin must up on tyrosine and herbs like rhodiola and ginseng can be beneficial.
13. Acetylcholine imbalance
Imbalance = low memory and even Alzheimer’s
Common symptoms – 5 or more = imbalance
- Poor dream recall
- Seldom dreams
- Dry mouth
- Difficult to visualize
- Forgetfulness and poor memory & concentration
- Mental tiredness
- Difficult to learn new things
Is depression a disease of our times?
Depression has increased tenfold comparing to the 1950`s. Today 15% people as labeled as depressed in the UK. There is a lot that can be done to help our depressed patients. First step should always include counseling and nutrition.
You don’t always need medication whether natural or conventional for treatment. Counseling must be the first step. During that session your psychologist or healthcare professional can decide whether there is a need for medication.
Stable emotional wellness requires a balance in the neurotransmitters. Low serotonin levels are associated with depression and low levels of adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine are associated with a lack in motivation.
When you are on medication the aim is to increase serotonin levels. This can be obtained in two different pathways. You can either inhibit the re-absorption of serotonin (Prozac) or you can increase the serotonin precursors (5-HTP).
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for something natural first. The problem with SSRIS is:
- it can disturb your neurotransmitter balance forever which means you will have to be on them permanently
- latest research states long term use will suppress thyroid
- Increase risk for GI bleeding
To top up your serotonin levels I recommend 5HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) 100-300 daily. To pump up the motivation take 500-1000mg tyrosine twice a day on an empty stomach.
Natural medication for depression
1. St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatim)
This herbal remedy is as effective as your tricyclic antidepressants (proven in a trail and published in the BMJ) with less side effects. Problem with both – can take weeks to work.
2. Chromium for atypical depression
- Cravings for sweets and common carbs
- Tendency to gain weight
- Tiredness for no specific reason
- Sleepy or groggy often
- Feeling rejected by other often
- Did the depression start before 30 yrs old
Yes on one ore more – chromium will benefit you. The link between depression and blood sugar was proven in the 17th century. Chromium has no side effects and works within 3 days.
Tryptophan (serotonin precursor) needs insulin to get into brain and GIT – and that process needs chrome. Omega 3 oils are beneficial to serotonin reception. Most depressed patients lack chrome and omega 3.
3. Magnesium
Magnesium boots moods. Poor diets and stress depletes magnesium and magnesium is an important mineral in brain biochemistry. Eat green vegetables, seeds and nuts and supplement with 300mg of magnesium daily.
4. Vitamin B
Vitamin B`s are important in methylation and this process keeps brain’s chemistry in balance. Methylation is an important process in the body where one hormone is transfer into another hormone. Slower of faulty methylation will increase homocysteine and there is a strong link between high homocysteine and depression. Low folic acid levels are also common in depressed patients. So pump up with B2,B6,B12 and folic acid – all needed for methylation. 33% of Patients with depression lack folic acid. If you should give them SSRI`s – they are less likely to improve.
5. Essential fatty acids
You need essential fatty acids to be able to make serotonin and other important neurotransmitters. Omega 3 supplementation can reverse major depression. The more omegas 3 in your diet – the more serotonin you will make. Eat herring, tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel. Just remember if your cholesterol is to low because of statin drugs, it can induce depression.
6. Histamine and depression (histadelics)
Patients with genetically high histamine levels must be careful to supplement with folic acid because it can lead to serious depression. These patients tend to love alcohol because it will sedate an overactive mind. Many alcoholics, drug addicts and ADHD patients are high histamine (histadelics).
These are the problem patients in psychiatric hospitals. Histadelia runs in families and usually starts at the age of 20. Common indications of histadelia are: suicide, depression, blank mind and allergies. They are normally treated as schizophrenic, but drugs, electroshock or insulin coma therapy doesn’t work for them.
If you do a FBC and get a high basophil count then you have an indicator of high-histamine status. These patients should be on a low protein diet, because protein raises histamine more. Recommended supplements: vitamin C 2 gram per day (acts like anti histamine), also zinc, manganese, vitamin B6, calcium and methionine.
If you have a high homocycteien level – don’t supplement with folic acid on its own, but rather combine with vitamin B complex.
7. Thyroid imbalance
Stress and unbalanced nutrition on the long term can cause the thyroid to under produce thyroxine. Common symptoms of low thyroid: depression, irribility, anxiety, panic attacks, tiredness, IBS, skin problems, always cold and water retention.
Do a temperature check under arm – 10 minutes first thing in the morning. If reading is below 36.5˚C for a few days – get checked.
8. Lifestyle interventions like:
Air-ionisers (generates negative ions and will energize you),
Touch: massage with essential oils
Sunlight can improve your emotions
Saying no
Religious or spiritual support
Have open space: hikes in nature; unplug phone or movie
Humour & Financial management
9. Probiotics
What it does:
- Create vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, K, folate and Biotin
- Make short-chain fatty acids that feed the gut lining and lower intestinal pH
- Help digest food
- Produce lactase to digest milk
- Detoxification of harmful products
- Helps to balance hormones
- Will eliminate harmful bacteria and fungi and also produce bacteriocins and anti-fungals to fight them
- Have a positive effect on cholesterol and triglycerides; boost immune cells; reduce inflammation and enhance cell repair
- Help for diarhoea: bacterial, antibiotic associated and rotavirus
- Support the immune system and essential in development of child immune system
- Enhance intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc
- Reduce irritable bowel syndrome
- Reduce inflammation in Chron`s and ulcerative colitis
- Helps with food allergies.
- Probiotics has an anti-cancer effect in the colon
Robbers: antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, hormones, alcohol, stress, poor diet, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, environmental toxins, parasites, high stomach pH
10. Super-nutrition for chronic disease prevention
1. Eat your organic seeds and nuts (heaped tablespoon) or 1 tablespoon of cold pressed olive oil / flax oil.
2. Eat 2-3 fresh organic fruits per day.
3. Eat 3-4 servings of organic grains per day: rice, millet, rye, oats or quinoa (as cereal).
4. Eat 5 servings of organic vegetables per day: watercress, broccoli, spinach, green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potato and peppers.
5. Water: 1.5 – 2 liters per day – reverse osmosis, filtered, bottled or distilled.
6. Eat at least 50% food raw and eat organic fruit and vegetables.
7. Avoid burnt, fried, browned food as well as excess animal fat.
8. No sugar, white flour, processed food, preservatives and chemical additives.
9. Reduce alcohol consumption if you have BPH and have no alcohol if you have prostate cancer
10. Eat organic beans and legumes daily (tofu, soya, quinoa & seed vegetables).
11. Always have proteins with each meal: cheese, yoghurt, eggs, nuts, fish, chicken, red meat.
12. Eat at least breakfast, lunch and supper – snack if needed in between with fruit and almonds.
13. Best way to prepare food:
Do a 2 minute sauté followed by adding water based sauce and let the food “steam-fries” at lower temperatures. Grilling, steaming, boiling or baking is better cooking methods than any form of frying. Don’t kill your food by cooking it to death – you destroy the live enzymes and nutrients.
14. rBST hormone free dairy products please
15. Rotate foods – don’t eat the same foods every day.
16. Eat fish 2 to 3 times a week minimum.
Low fat fish (0.1-2.9%): angelfish, geelbek, hake, kingklip, kabeljou
Medium-fat fish (3-10.9): pilchards, snoek, tuna, yellowtail
High-fat fish (11-30%): barracuda, salmon, butterfish, herring, mackerel, sardines
17. Limit exposure to chemicals – herbicides and pesticides present to the body as estrogens
18. Limit lead, cadmium and mercury exposure
19. Eliminate all Transfats from the diet – pastries and biscuits
20. Re-pack food in plastic containers into glass containers ASAP