Candida – The Most Common Symptoms of a Systemic Fungal Infection
Candida overgrowth and the effects on your health
In normally healthy people, the cause of Candida overgrowth is most commonly associated with antibiotic therapy that eradicate friendly bacteria in the gut. Other causes include:
- Refined carbohydrates and sugar
- Alcohol
- Birth control medication
- Stress
- Fluoride
- Diabetes
The Most Common Symptoms of a Systemic Fungal Infection Are:
- Sinus problems and allergies
- Digestive disorders
- Thrush in mouth
- Vaginal yeast infection
- Athlete’s foot
- Cracking sound in neck
- Stiffness in joints and muscles
- Failing eyesight
- Toenail fungus
- Nursing mothers can experience breast rashes
- Extreme tiredness
- Craving for sugar
- Foul breath
- Concentration problems
- Frequent urine track infections
- Mood swings like anxiety and depression
- Low satiety levels and increased appetite
- Skin rashes like eczema and hives
Many people are born with it or develop it after their first exposure to antibiotics. A pregnant woman may experience an increase in Candida growth due to hormonal changes. If she already has Candida an outbreak may occur in the birth canal. The baby will then contract it and become infected as it passes through the birth canal. What follows then is severe nappy rash, rectal rashes or infections, rashes in the genital area, and colic are the most common symptoms in babies.
The above conditions are the result of systemic fungal infections. The location of the infection will determine the name of the infection but it is all candida infections.
To control Candida and one should follow a Candida diet, take anti-candida remedies and replace the good bacteria in the digestive system. Avoid fruits, breads, pastas, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, sweets, cheeses, nuts, mushrooms and any other foods that are rich in carbohydrates or moulds because these provide an ideal nutritional environment for Candida. Food allergies are common in people with Candida. Allergies are, in reality, reactions due to the excess yeast growth and asthma or eczema can indicate Candida.
The athlete’s foot and toenail fungus are two of the most common candida problems. The candida infection which lives in tissues or bones in the feet is capable of traveling out through the moisture-rich skin between the toes. Ozonides is a special remedy that can eradicate the infection systemically, on the skin as well as the toe nails.
Do you have systemic symptoms of candida infection?
Fungal infections are very different from bacterial infections and they do not present at all the same. The signs of a fungal infection are very subtle.
Is Candida contagious?
Yes, it is through sexual contact. The fungus overgrowth is normally present in the mouth and vagina and it is recommended to treat your sexual partner for infection the same time as yourself.
Candida manifests itself in five areas of the body with the following symptoms:
1. The Digestive System – indigestion, heartburn, bloating, intestinal gas, cramps, diarrhoea and/or constipation, and allergies to food.
2. The Nervous System – abnormal fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, drowsiness, and difficulty in focusing, memory loss, depression, insomnia and mental fog.
3. The Skin – hives psoriasis, eczema, excessive sweating, acne, and chronic fungus infection of the skin and nails.
4. The Genital-Urinary Tract- in men: chronic rectal or anal itching, recurrent infection/inflammation of the prostate gland, impotence, genital rashes, jock itch and loss of interest in sex and in women, common symptoms include PMS (depression, mood swings, bloating, fluid retention, cramps, craving for sweets, headaches prior to menstruation), recurrent bladder or vaginal infections, yeast infections, and a loss of interest in sex.
5. The Endocrine System- an intimate relationship exits in the body between The Immune System, The Nervous System and The Endocrine System. The thyroid and adrenal glands may be involved and it is not uncommon to find patients with hypo- and hyperthyroidism, also especially the autoimmune variety, can be linked to fungal overgrowth.
Artificial Sweeteners are not good for your Gut Health
Artificial sweeteners can damage the intestinal lining of the gut. This can lead to increased intestinal permeability (or ‘leaky gut’), which is associated with heightened food sensitivities. Candida infestation plays a role in leaky gut and artificial sweeteners can compound this problem.
Sucralose changes the composition of your gut flora. This can affect the health of your digestive system. The probiotic bacteria in your gut flora help to transform food into nutrients, facilitate detoxification, protect against opportunistic pathogens like candida and other benefits.
Other Reasons to Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Diet drinks have a host of other negative potential health issues. The following can be linked to artificial sweetener consumption:
- Slowed metabolic rate and weight gain
- Brain fog
- Increased appetite for sugary carbohydrates
- High risks for certain types of cancers and autoimmune conditions
Is caffeine bad for Candida Overgrowth?
Caffeine can be detrimental to those suffering from candida overgrowth for a number of reasons and, for many people, restricting caffeine intake is a sensible idea while on the candida diet, though giving up caffeine completely is not always necessary because it depends on severity.
The main reasons why caffeine can be bad for Candida Overgrowth are:
- Caffeine prevent restful sleep in some patients
Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands and results in an increased adrenaline and cortisol, which can disrupt the feedback loop between your hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenals thus impairing your body’s ability to regulate hormone levels, which can stimulate candida overgrowth.
- Caffeine can affect your blood sugar levels
Caffeine can lower the sensitivity of cells to insulin, so that cells become less sensitive to insulin and don’t absorb as much sugar from your blood after you eat or drink. As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin and ending up with higher blood sugar levels and increases levels of adrenaline, which in turn can influence candida overgrowth.
Is decaffeinated coffee OK to drink for Candida Diets?
Switching from caffeine to alternatives such as decaffeinated coffee or herbal tea is a good idea.
How can I protect myself against Candida infection?
- Healthy diet – vegetables, fruit, no sugar and no refined carbohydrates
- Probiotics
- Disinfect showers with vinegar
- Always wear slip slops when in showers and/or public places