
enneagram thinking

The EnneaReport help myself to function better in business as well as home
What is the Five Lens IMI report?
The Ennea International Five Lens Integrated Mastery Index (IMI) is a granulated report on individual and team response and behaviour patterns, given through five lenses:  Personal Mastery, Emotional Resilience, Social Instincts, Energy Centres, Enneagram Patterns.
The IMI provides a basis for the Ennea Team Discovery Day process, plus further optional interventions, all of which are designed to bring about sustainable positive change in the behaviour of individuals, as well as leaders and teams.
The IMI report is generated after completion of an online questionnaire, and an accredited practitioner will then arrange to spend a few hours with the individual to debrief him/her on their scores as reported.
The Five Lenses are:
Lens 1: Personal Mastery Index
This unique index provides an instant insight into the person’s current level of reactiveness versus responsiveness and is an indicator for how deeply entrenched the other factors reported by the IMI are likely to be.  It is reported along with its six sub-measures.
Lens 2: Emotional Resilience
This is a strong predictor of the person’s capacity to cope with adversity effectively and the ease with which he or she manages to transcend its effects. It is a strong predictor of crisis that makes early intervention possible.
Lens 3: Social Instincts
This measure reports the likely direction that a person will express their fixated defensive patterns that are revealed through the Enneagram Patterns. It is a good indicator for growth and for choosing professional direction.
Lens 4: Energy Centres
The three main “modalities of mind” are reported through this lens. The person’s preferred style for processing information is revealed, and provides the opportunity for awareness, choice, and improved relatedness.
Lens 5: Enneagram Patterns
The enneagram describes nine behavioural styles that are identifiable in all cultures and nationalities around the world, and which correlate strongly to other recognised personality inventories. However, instead of “typing”, the IMI report shows the person’s preferential rate for using all nine styles and provides granular information for the two most preferred and for the least used style.
How can I get an IMI report for myself or my team?
Contact Retha van Staden at Ennea International for the details of an Accredited Practitioner near you. The practitioner will send you the questionnaire to complete and arrange a debriefing session with you.
Ennea really help me to understand where I have to get other specialists in who have more talent to do things better and together, we are not good but brilliant.

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